What if I need to cancel?

Our cancelation policy: If notified within 2 weeks = full refund, 1 week half = refund, 6-3 days = credit of half of course cost towards another course, 2 days or less no refund.

We operate in small class sizes to provide the best educational experience we can and have a very minimal profit margin per class and have strict refund policies that reflect that. We understand that emergencies happen, so please contact us so we can work with you.

Covid cancelations: If you have, or you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive we will credit you towards another class in the future.

What if the weather doesn’t cooperate?

What if there is not enough snow, too much snow or anything in between? Unfortunately this can, and does happen. There are a few things we don’t have control over in the mountains and weather is one of them. In the event of a course being cancelled due to weather or lack there of, we will offer a full credit towards another class in the future. We will work with you to reschedule your course and make it as easy as possible for you.

Do I need to be a competent rider to take any avalanche class?

Yes! We typically only work with experienced skiers/riders who can manage themselves in the mountains. This gives us the best opportunity to concentrate on avalanche safety skills instead of wasting time on basic ski skills, personal well being etc.. We take avalanche education seriously, and pride ourselves on delivering high end courses. If you do not answer this question truthfully, and hinder the rest of the groups educational and travel experience you will be asked to leave. We do not offer intro courses, and you are expected to have some sort of prior time spent in the mountains before taking a class. While everyone has the right to be in the backcountry, we believe its imperative for your safety and the safety of others that you hone your skills in variable conditions at the resort before venturing deep into the backcountry in a winter environment. We have a good relationship with other providers and will happily refer you somewhere else if you dont feel up to our standards.

Can I do a private class with my friends?

Yes! We specialize in small class sizes, and with the concerns of COVID-19 this season, we encourage you to reach out to us so we can can put something together for you.

Do you have Covid-19 safety protocols?

Yes! Every morning we require a symptoms check, fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, contact sign out sheet. This helps us track if anyone has any potential symptoms and lets us manage accordingly. Our class sizes are also limited to 6 and are primarily field based, this helps keep contact to minimum. Face masks will be required, and we require only carpooling with people you are already in contact with.